Design, Education, Social Impact

Five Two-year Phases of the Design Science Decade

We are now two months into what BFI is calling “the second Design Science Decade” and we are right on track to fulfill Fuller’s vision of retooling the world to work for 100% of life in 10 years. We are working with our advisors and members to update the original 1965-1975 Design Science Decade documents, starting with a new version of the original five two-year phases. 

As we zoom into the ten-year world re-design, we are seeing the emergence of the following phases, each of which builds on the previous phase.  

2020-2021: Reconciliation and Commitment

2022-2023: Restoration and Capital-transfer

2024-2025: Resilience and Coming-together

2026-2027: Regeneration and Celebration

2028-2029: Rejoicing and The Circularity

We will be putting out a call for artists to support us in updating these documents and creating new media to narrate our living planet’s transition decade. Start imagining what music, graphic art, immersive experiences, web apps, or other art you would like to create.