Fiscal Sponsorship

Grants and philanthropic funding from individuals, foundations, corporations, or government organizations often face restrictions that require the recipient to be tax-exempt organizations.

BFI’s Fiscal Sponsorship program supports and incubates small independent projects and programs that face these funding restrictions through a legal and financial mechanism by which BFI, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, serves as a conduit for financial resources, while providing administrative support as well as other collaborative opportunities.

Many exciting projects are and have been incubated by our Fiscal Sponsorship platform, and some have even gone on to become 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations themselves.

The program is yet another way BFI is actively committed to supporting the emergence of new initiatives.

Contact us by emailing [email protected] if you’d like to inquire about obtaining a Fiscal Sponsorship for your project.

Sustainability Leaders Network

Sustainability Leaders Network (SLN) is a multi-sector collaboration of professionals who draw on a core set of shared leadership practices — systems thinking, organizational learning, visioning and reflection — to build capacity and accelerate the spread and adoption of solutions for social, climate and environmental challenges.

Good Machine and Reefgen

Reefgen is leading a change in the scale of ocean ecosystem restoration.


ThriveOn has developed the Thrive Solutions Hub – a globally available decentralized network for networks based on Buckminster Fuller’s whole systems model. The Thrive Solutions Hub enables freedom-based solutionaries from all over the world to find each other, share resources, infrastructure and insights to coordinate and leverage their actions on behalf of a thriving world for all.


ReThinkNYC is dedicated to applying innovative thinking to the future of New York and its region. We focus integrally on transportation infrastructure, land use, governance, and socio-economic issues. At present, ReThinkNYC is focusing on plans to revitalize New York City’s Penn Station, including building a bona fide above ground station there.

ReThinkNYC favors an above ground station modelled on the McKim Mead and White original. A key part of this initiative is advocating that New York City embark on unifying its regional transit to provide for a one fare ride throughout the region by implementing a “through-running” operating plan at Penn Station. Through-running is the modern operating standard for peer cities domestically and internationally and has been implemented to great effect in London, Hong Kong, Paris, Tokyo, Philadelphia, Toronto and is planned for Los Angeles. It is believed that “through-running” would bring more fluid transit to the New York region, expand the region’s core and decompress the present overconcentration of development in Manhattan.

This overconcentration of development is causing New York to cannibalize its pre war architecture. It also is not an efficient use of all the region’s assets including other centers of business activity in the region(Newark and Paterson, NJ, Sunnyside Queens, Port Morris in the Bronx, Stamford Connecticut and White Plains, New York. The overall plan would be expected to greatly improve the environment, quality of life and economic competitiveness of the New York region.

Techné Verde

Techné Verde is an applied research group focused on “ICT for a World That Works” – advanced Information and Communications Technology solutions for the global civic sector. Specialized in online collaboration tools that enable synergies and collective intelligence, the group advises non-profit and philanthropic organizations and supports communities building regenerative culture.

We Can’t Wait

At We Can’t Wait, we’re hacking individual investment and philanthropy, inspiring people to respond to our climate emergency at the scope, scale, and speed it demands. We’re connectors, supporting meaningful conversations and sparking collaborations between visionary investors, founders, and non-profit leaders.

We’re helping donors/investors learn about impactful climate solutions and projects. We’re motivating more people to both invest and donate, and get involved NOW. With the Buckminster Fuller Institute, we’re working to “educate, instigate, and accelerate” climate solutions that will have global impact. With ABC23, Audacious Billions for Climate Restoration, we’re identifying investment opportunities in startups that can, within a short time-frame, scale and deliver expectation-shattering solutions.

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