Social Impact

BFI Fiscally Sponsored Project Update: Be Girl on Co.Exist

Be Girl is a social enterprise with the vision to be the catalyst that empowers women and girls around the globe to take control of their health and quality of life in order to achieve their potential and close gender gaps. Their vision is put into action by ensuring that their products are designed for womankind, balancing the needs and resources of the individual while minimizing environmental impact to propel a generational change.

UNICEF estimates that 1 in 10 school-age African girls either skips school during or drops out entirely because of menstruation-related issues. Preventing a girl from receiving an education not only affects her, but also her community. Studies show that when more girls go to school, a country’s GDP increases.

Current menstrual hygiene practices are not environmentally conscious, producing copious amounts of waste. Every year, approximately 20 billion disposable pads, tampons & applicators are sent to landfills in the U.S. alone. Additionally, it takes 500 to 800 years for a disposable sanitary pad to break down in a landfill.

Be Girl has created a solution to this problem, and was recently featured in a piece on Fast Company’s Co.Exist site. Click to read the article!

To read more about BFI’s Fiscal Sponsorship program, click here.