
LOCATION: Singapore and India

SUMMARY: Ecosoftt is an emerging Singapore and India-based social enterprise that is the first to develop decentralized, adaptable, chemical-free, cost-effective water systems that combine rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, groundwater replenishment and other technological innovations in Asia. Their systems are adaptable to both poor rural and prosperous urban contexts. They aim to revolutionize water systems throughout Asia and beyond, bring clean water to underserved communities and offer an inspiring model of social enterprise as an alternative to government or privately run water systems.

PROBLEM SPACE: “Water scarcity, shortage, quality and self-sufficiency are imperatives for both developed countries and the developing world. Two-thirds of the world’s population is already living in water stressed regions. The magnitude of the opportunity is staggering. In India alone, there is more than 300 million people living in cities who have less than 3 hours of water supply a day. An estimated 60% to 80% of sewage is discharged into surface and ground water bodies without any treatment, thereby contaminating sources. Between 50% to 80% of potable water needs is met by ground and surface water sources that are not managed or manageable.

While technology has opened up new sources (e.g. desalination), demand is growing fast and the cost of tapping, treating and distributing of water is high. Up to 13% of energy is used to treat and distribute water. Despite heavy investments, large centralized water infrastructure solutions, where they exist are unable to cope with the increasing demand. They have proven to be difficult to implement where they do not exist. Up to 80% of water is lost in distribution. There is an urgent need and major push for an alternative so that homes and communities can ensure water sustainability. ”

SOLUTION: “Our solution is the decentralized and integrated management of water and wastewater through the WATER SMART HOMES & COMMUNITIES platform. It can be deployed as standalone or an integration of solutions that will allow for sustainable use and management of water by:

a) reducing water footprint and wastage by up to 50%;

b) enabling recovery and reuse of 80% of wastewater for non-potable uses; and

c) discharging the remaining 20% of wastewater in an environmentally friendly way to either reduce the load on the water grid (where it exists), for use by others, and protect water sources.

Our new “blue building standard”” comprises hardware, software & services for the harvesting, conserving and recycling of water in a cost effective way. It eliminates the network of pipes, which accounts for 80% of the cost in the conventional “”centralized”” solution.

ECOSOFTT is headquartered in Singapore, have our main operations in India and have plans to expand across developing Asia. Set up as a social enterprise, we allocate 65% of profits from commercial activties for reinvestment in community led transformation programmes, esp building of water and sanitation infrastructure for marginalized rural communities based on 100% inclusiveness, gender equality and community leadership.”