SUMMARY: To implement a low cost effective way to turn plastic pollution into a leading- edge solution by utilizing the plastic waste and compressing it into blocks which can be used for sustainable building construction. Plastic waste is collected, cleaned, recycled and then compressed into blocks to be used as building.

PROBLEM SPACE: Plastic pollution is becoming one of the worlds largest environmental issues,contributing towards land, water and air pollution, the methane released from food trapped in plastic items is also one of the major contributing factors of greenhouse gases and towards global warming. In India the SWM system is made up of government led systems, private companies and informal sector.

Currently, the plastic pollution exists due to the consumer habits lack of amenities for proper disposal but also the fact that the pollutant materials do not have any economic value. The technology we introduce will provide environmental clean up, women equal opportunities in the workplace, training, introduce appropriate technologies, recycled products and sustainable livelihoods.

This technology will be low cost effective and accessible to local people making it a viable social enterprise or business easy to set up. Resulting in the reduction of intoxication and risk to animals and human health. There are several recorded incidences of cows and goats having been choked by plastics internally. Once there is less plastics lying all over the surrounding lands and raised levels of awareness, well-being and lifestyle for all levels of biodiversity will improved. This will benefit the local and international visitors.

SOLUTION: BodhGaya, India is a UNESCO WHS and sacred Buddhist pilgrimage site as the place of Buddha’s Enlightenment. It is visited by thousands of Buddhists, Hindus, tourists who come on pilgrimage from all over the world, making BodhGaya an uniquely international and culturally diverse part of India.

Also home to local village population of around 40,000 Hindu, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians, this treasured WHS is plagued by enormous amounts of plastic pollution, among other challenges that threaten the overall health and sustainability of local ecology, economy and community.

Sacred Earth Trust. are to launch an exciting project to transform the city of BodhGaya’s plastic pollution problem into sustainable building solution. Through implementing low cost, leading edge recycling and building technologies, this project will create a Recycling and Eco training centre out of the compressed plastic blocks and become a catalyst in the region for transforming problematic waste into vital resources and job opportunities.

We are currently in research stage and collecting plastic waste to be compressed into building blocks to make a 10ft x 12ft x 10 ft high room, will use approximately 480 plastic blocks and each block will weigh on average 3KG making the completed building consist of 1440kg of transformed plastic pollution.

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