Books About Fuller


R. Buckminster Fuller by John McHale. George Brazillier, Inc., New York. c1962, hardback.

Wizard of the Dome: R. Buckminster Fuller, Designer for the Future, by Sidney Rosen. Little, Brown & Company, Boston. c1969, hardback.


Bucky – a Guided Tour of Buckminster Fuller, by Hugh Kenner. William Morrow & Company, Inc., New York. ©1973, hardback; paperback.

Mind’s Eye of Buckminster Fuller, by Donald W. Robertson. Vantage Press, Inc., New York. ©1974, hardback.

Buckminster Fuller At Home in the Universe book cover

Buckminster Fuller: At Home in the Universe, by Alden Hatch. Crown Publishers, New York. ©1974, hardback.

Cosmic Fishing: An Account of Writing Synergetics with Buckminster Fuller, by E.J. Applewhite. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, c1977 hardback.

Pilot for Spaceship Earth, by Athena V. Lord. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York. ©1978, hardback.


Buckminster Fuller: an Autobiographical Monologue/Scenario, by Robert Snyder. St. Martin’s Press, New York. ©1980, hardback.

Synergetic Stew: Explorations in Dymaxion Dining, by The Buckminster Fuller Institute. The Buckminster Fuller Institute, Philadelphia. ©1982, paperback.

Inventions, the Patented Works of R. Buckminster Fuller. St. Martin’s Press, New York; ©1983.

Artifacts of Fuller book cover

The Artifacts of R. Buckminster Fuller – a Comprehensive Collection of his Designs and Drawings in Four Volumes. Edited with descriptions by James Ward.

Garland Publishing, New York, ©1984

Fuller’s Earth: A Day with Bucky and the Kids, by Richard J. Brenneman. St. Martin’s Press, New York, c. 1984 Hardcover.

Bucky for Beginners book cover

Bucky for Beginners: Synergetic Geometry, by Mary Laycock. Activity Resources Company, Inc., California, ©1984.

Synergetics Dictionary book spines

Synergetics Dictionary: The Mind of Buckminster Fuller. Compiled and Edited by E.J. Applewhite. Garland Publishing, Inc. New York and London, ©1986.

Fuller Explanation book cover

A Fuller Explanation, by Amy Edmondson. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, ©1987. Read A Fuller Explanation online

Buckminster Fuller's Earth book cover

Buckminster Fuller’s Earth, by Lloyd Steven Sieden. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ©1989.


Buckminster Fuller (Pioneers in Change Series), by Robert R. Potter. Silver Burdett Publishers, ©1990.

Buckminster Fuller, by Martin Pawley. Taplinger Publishing Company, New York ©1991. Hardcover.

Bucky Works: Buckminster Fuller’s Ideas for Today, by J. Baldwin. John Wiley & Sons, New York, ©1996, Hardback; 1997, Paperback.


Buckminster Fuller: Anthology for the New Millennium, by Thomas T. Zung. St. Martin’s Press, New York, ©2001. Hardcover.

Wholeness: On Education, Buckminster Fuller, and Tao, by Alex Gerber, Jr. Gerber Educational Resources, Washington, ©2001. Paperback.

Your Private Sky book cover

Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller: the Art of Design Science. Edited by Joachim Krausse, Claude Lichtenstein. Lars Muller Publishers, ©2001. Hardcover.

Discourse book cover

Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller: Discourse. Edited by Joachim Krausse, Claude Lichtenstein. Lars Muller Publishers, ©2001. Hardcover.

Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe, by Michael Hays, Dana Miller. Yale University Press, ©2008. Paperback.

Fuller Houses book cover

Fuller Houses: R. Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Dwellings and Other Domestic Adventures, by Federico Neder. Lars Muller Publishers, ©2008. Paperback.

New Views book cover

New Views on R. Buckminster Fuller. Edited by Hsiao-Yun Chu, Roberto G. Trujillo. Stanford University Press, ©2009. Paperback.

Becoming Bucky Fuller book cover

Becoming Bucky Fuller, by Loretta Lorance. MIT Press, ©2009. Hardcover.


Buckminster Fuller: Poet of Geometry, by Cole Gerst.

R. Buckminster Fuller: World Man, by Daniel Lopez-Perez.


Inventor of the Future Book Cover

Inventor of the Future: The Visionary Life of Buckminster Fuller, by Alec Nevala-Lee