Arch + Eng, Design, Education, Sci + Tech, Social Impact

Geodesign 2015 Global classroom

The GENI Summer Series continues into its 4th year of tackling the challenges of our times with the Global Classroom. The 11-week series will take place in San Diego from June 15th-August 27th.


"Geodesign will build on these two concepts and ask: How do we transition an energy system for a nations and cities, to be 100% renewable, reliable 24/7 and is cost competitive?  How can we supply clean water to all? 


This summer series will identify clean energy solutions that already are proven and determine an ideal condition: 100% renewable energy to meet all electric and transportation needs.   Alternative strategies will be evaluated, maps developed and roadmaps created for policy-makers and energy officials to consider.  Finally, we will push these solutions to several key countries and major cities to begin the process."


Original newsletter announcement here Resumes may be sent to [email protected]