Education, Sci + Tech, Social Impact

Watch BFI’s Free Webinar for Female Innovators

BFI works hard to ensure that the Fuller Challenge is an inclusive program, open to diverse participants from around the globe. In order to reach a broader network of female innovators, BFI has partnered with girltank: an ever-expanding global community of female founders, thought leaders and visionaries.

BFI’s all-female staff hosted an informational webinar on applying to the 2016 Fuller Challenge, titled “The 2016 Fuller Challenge: A Call to Women Who Make the World Work“. BFI provided an overview of the history of successful female entrants to the Challenge, and answered questions from female innovators who were interested in entering.

Potential entrants can now view the webinar recording for an in-depth explanation of the Fuller Challenge criteria using examples.

The webinar was held at 2pm EST on Wednesday, January 27th. Based on a post-webinar survey, women participated from throughout the USA as well as India, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Bolivia, the Philippines, and UK!